Senator Clinton has canceled a speech to the DNC this afternoon due to the situation at her office (likely at the suggestion of the Secret Service).
According to CNN there are two people in the Rochester, NH Clinton office and the nearby Obama office has been closed. The hostage taker is demanding to speak to the Senator.
Update (13:48 CDT):
According to MSNBC TV, there were originally four people in the office. The hostage taker immediately let two go (a woman and child), but is holding two hostages.
Update (14:07 CDT):
According to live coverage on MSNBC TV, one hostage has been released and a "communication device" has been delivered to the hostage taker.
Update (14:19 CDT):
According to live reporting on MSNBC, the Police are now in Contact with hostage taker.
Update (14:47 CDT):
Again according to MSNBC, the suspect is known to police in Rochester from previous encounters. Apparently the 40 year old white male has a history of mental illness (Go Figure!). The Clinton's have cancelled all events for the day.
Update (14:51 CDT):
MSNBC- The suspect went to the hardware store earlier TODAY and purchase some of the materials for his "bomb."
Yes, this is a serious situation, but this is a situation at a Political Office and I do write with a political slant. So here is my question. At what point today will we be hearing Democrats start calling for a Federal Waiting Period on all Hardware Store Purchases?
Update (15:03 CDT):
According to Fox News Live Reporting:The hostage taker's son is stating that the "bomb" is actually road flares. Man is also reported to have been saying there was a government conspiracy against him in recent weeks and that the government had planted a bug inside him (according to Fox Reporters).
UPDATE (16:38 CDT):
It appears, according to live coverage, that the last hostage may have been released.
It's over. FOX NEWS Is reporting on TV Coverage that Hillary will be coming to NH to thank everyone (and for a Photo Op with Law Enforcement). There is also no truth to the rumor that this situation involved a "Snuke"
CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker-DNC Chair Statement: "“Unfortunately as some of you know, there is a hostage situation in New Hampshire involving a Clinton campaign staff person,' he said. 'The details are sketchy at this time, but understandably Senator Clinton is now dealing with this very difficult problem and she is not going to be able to join us today. And we will keep them in our prayers and hope for a resolution to this situation in New Hampshire.”"
From WCVB Boston: "An armed man has taken people hostage at Hillary Clinton's campaign office in Rochester, N.H., according to TV station WMUR in Manchester. Buildings in the area have been locked down. Hillary Clinton is not in the state, Boston TV station WCVB reported"
From CNN.com: "The WMUR Web site said a witness, Lettie Tzizik, told the station she spoke to a woman shortly after she was released from the office by the hostage-taker. 'A young woman with a 6-month or 8-month-old infant came rushing into the store just in tears, and she said, 'You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape,'' the Web site reported."
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