Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. John Shalikashvili is amoung the signers of the letter to Congress. According to the IHT, a series of rallies are also planned on the Mall in Washington, D.C. by groups that are calling for a change in "don't ask, don't tell."
Undoubtedly, the rallies and the letter will get wide spread news coverage, especially now that the issue of "Don't Ask" has been brought to the public attention in such a dramatic way.
IF Keith Kerr had not asked his question and make his disertation on CNN during the debate and been found, very quickly, to be a Clinton Steering Committee Member, the entire country would not already be talking about this issue.
If Keith Kerr had not asked his question, Democratic Pollsters and Staff would not have had the opportunity today to be spinning, "yes, but Gen. Kerr's question was legitimate. Republicans are wrong."
If Keith Kerr had not asked his question, would the letter to Congress, and the gatherings on the Mall even be noticed?

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