Friday, November 7, 2008

Attacking Ammunition

Since The Court has said gun ownership is a RIGHT, the Left has decided to go after our ammunition.

In the last couple of days, a report has surface from the CDC and North Dakota Department of Health regarding eating wild game that was shot with lead projectiles. North Dakota has issued cautions on wild game, but the state of Wyoming said they find nothing significant in the study.

Some in the MSM(and on left-wing anti-gun sites which I have a policy that I will not link to) are claiming that the report says that eating game causes increase lead in the blood.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation disagrees with what the MSM is saying. This is from their press release on this study:
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study on human lead levels of hunters in North Dakota has confirmed what hunters throughout the world have known for hundreds of years, that consuming game harvested with traditional ammunition poses absolutely no health risk to people, including children, and that the call to ban lead ammunition was and remains a scare tactic being pushed by anti-hunting groups to forward their political agenda.

Fortunately, the facts seem to get in the way of what the MSM and Anti-gun crowd would like us to believe. The MSM and Left are playing with numbers to make the numbers show what they want.

The report states that a lead level (Pb) higher than 10.0 micrograms/deciliter is not healthy. The geometric mean lead level of the entire population of the US is 1.67.

According to this study the geometric mean Pb (lead) in micrograms/deciliter for those adults who consumed venison was 1.27. HOWEVER, the Pb for those who lived in houses built before 1977 was 1.31, house before 1946 was 1.39. Therefore, can't we say that living in a house built before 1977 is a greater risk for increase Serum Pb than eating game?

Further, the Pb of those who only had a High School Education was 1.57 and High School drop-outs (those who did NOT have education higher than high-school) was 1.95!!! So, can we conclude that College prevents elevated Pb in the Blood? Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

The study also appears to show that those who had been eating venison for 10 years or more, had lower Pb levels than those eating for only a year or less (-0.114 decrease from those who had only eaten venison for one year) I wonder how that works? The more venison you eat, the lower your Pb levels are?

It does not appear that his study has been peer reviewed, and it certainly seems as though Wyoming is right, there is nothing significant related to eating of game. It IS likely that other factors are causing the increases that are seen and eating wild game is just coincidental. It should be noted that there was ONE person in the study with lead levels at about 9.86, which is about 9 times higher than the group mean. In other words, this one person could certainly affect the study.

Just because one thing follows another, it does necessarily mean that the one thing is caused by the other. The author of the study seems to have forgotten that.

Click HERE for the full text of the report.


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