With that said, yes I am very happy about the ruling but I am concerned about what will actually result.
My suspicion is that Mayor Daley of Chicago has already said, "Justice Alito has delivered his opinion, now let him enforce it."
Unfortunately, the Court remanded the case back to the 7th Circuit for more proceedings. This may take an additional couple of years to resolve, just in this case. The reverse and “remand” leaves LOTS of time for the 7th Circuit to “procee[d] slowly and incrementally” and then “submit their opinion in longhand” (quoting from Justice Scalia's concurrence mocking Justice Stevens).
This is CHICAGO POLITICS we are talking about. Daley is not only going to run with locks (probably one only available from the City at great cost), lock inspections etc, he is going to place a “reasonable” licensing scheme in place– $50,000 per year (plus another $25K to $50K as a
(Do I need to continue– this is Daley and Chicago we are talking about– where do you think Obama and Emanuel learned their politics from?)
Unfortunately we are dealing with a VERY corrupt political environment in Chicago. Remember, 3 YEARS after Heller, there have only been 800 registrations in DC; and I cannot believe that there are ONLY 800 in DC that desire protection in their homes with a firearm– not after 3 years.

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