To be fair- there
are some teachers who do not get paid
enough. I will gladly concede that point.
But 29%???
As long as I am
taking a shot at the Democrat's sacred cow, I will attempt to "confuse the
issue" with FACTS.
- The average Public School Teacher makes $49,630 according to US Government Data for working about 186 school days a year- Or $266 per day. The average Registered Nurse in the US makes $65,932 for working 260 days a year- Or only $253 per day-- (As a point of full disclosure, I did attend a private grade school, but I was taught that $266 per day is GREATER THAN $253 per day).
- According to 2010 US Government data there were 49,266,000 students in Public Schools (K-12). We, the Citizens of the United States, spend $593,061,181,000 on public education, again according to US Government Data. $593 Billion divided by 49 Million students equals over $11,000 spent PER STUDENT PER YEAR for Public Education-- Or at 20 kids per classroom, that’s $220K per classroom spent.
- The Median Salary for a CHICAGO Teacher is already $53,639 (or $288 per day for working a 186 day school year). A 29% increase would make the median salary $69,194 (or $372 per day for working a 186 day school year)
Personally, as
previously stated, I believe some
teachers should be paid more. However, a
demand for a 29% increase for those already being paid far above the national
average is totally unreasonable.
There are two ways
that teachers take-home pay could easily be increased:
- Stop paying Union Dues (let the teacher's keep the money themselves)- of course, that would DEFINITELY decrease the money going to Democratic Candidates and the Democratic Party the NEA.
- Get rid of the US Department
of Education- keep the money in the States. Now, I did go to a Public High School,
but in my US Government class I seem to remember something about a 10th
Amendment to our Constitution- and I don't seem to remember seeing
ANYTHING in the Constitution about a requirement for the FEDERAL
COMMERCE CLAUSE). Of course, our Current Administration (and the
George Soros ownedDemocratic Party) has NO regard for the Constitution- as they have shown again this week. All they care about is re-election.
I am fine with merit
pay, and I am fine with REASONABLE increases in salary-- but this is way beyond

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