Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Enough Said



Tuesday, March 18, 2025

So What if Elon Gave to Charity

There are several posts floating around Facebook pointing out what a great human being Elon Musk is for having made a $5 + billion donation to charity in 2022.

If Elon Musk wishes to engage in charitable works with his own money, that's his prerogative. Praise him if you like. 

However, let's be crystal clear: he is NOT a member of the Cabinet. He has NOT been confirmed by Congress. The Administration is actively resisting all efforts for transparency regarding his actions. He is NOT accountable to Congress, as outlined by the President of the United States.

We operate as a REPUBLIC—derived from the Latin Res Publica, meaning "for the People." We have three CO-EQUAL branches of Government, each designed to serve as a check and balance on the others.

Musk's "move fast and break things" approach, combined with a glaring lack of accountability and secrecy surrounding his operations, raises serious red flags. His blatant disregard for the checks imposed by the Judicial Branch cannot be overlooked, no matter how much he contributes to charity.

Let’s not forget that Al Capone ran a soup kitchen in Chicago during the late 1920s, costing him $300 a day. Stalin implemented a social welfare system and state-sponsored charity. Both Muammar Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il were also known for their charitable donations.

History has taught us that some of the world’s most notorious figures have used philanthropy to polish their public image. It’s important to remember that true generosity often goes unnoticed, much like the "Widow's Mite," which was said to be of greater value than grand displays of wealth.


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Goodbye to the VOA

For those who did not live through the Cold War and only know about it from “American History” classes, it’s crucial to understand that one of the United States' most potent weapons was Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. RFE/VOA boldly broadcast news from “the West” behind the Iron Curtain.

VOA/RFE and their sister stations, such as Radio Free Asia, were (and still are) despised by Communist regimes. In fact, listening to their broadcasts was considered a crime punishable by death. In a shocking example of this, a North Korean fisherman was publicly executed in 2020 for listening to Radio Free Asia while at sea.

Yesterday, former political candidate and two-time looser Kari Lake suspended over 1,000 employees of VOA and its sister stations— all of which are federally funded—effectively shutting them down.

The official Communist Party “news” outlet in Shanghai hailed this move as “EXCELLENT NEWS," proclaiming that Radio Free Asia is “one of the US's most insidious anti-China propaganda outlets." This action has pleased not only Beijing but also Moscow, Budapest, Tehran, and other anti-American regimes.

Were there problems at VOA? Yes, there were issues and controversies. However, it’s essential to recognize that VOA has enjoyed bipartisan support from Congress and the White House for generations, except during the Trump administration.

ANY US government action that is praised by the governments in Beijing, Moscow, Pyongyang, Tehran, and Kabul—along with other anti-US tyrannies—should NOT be welcomed by American citizens, regardless of their political affiliation.

