Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

Debt Ceiling? What "Ceiling?"

Earlier today, I saw a question posed about "raising of the Debt Ceiling" The question asked, was, "do you think we should raise the Debt Ceiling because it's really just increasing the amount that each of us will have to pay for Government spending?"

Great question.... But, In thinking of this I began to wonder why we even call it a Debt Ceiling?
The National Debt Clock

Ceiling in this context is defined as "a maximum limit." Ceiling implies a stopping point. However, in discussing the Debt Ceiling, it never really is a Ceiling.  

Every time the Debt "Ceiling" is approached, there is a flurry of activity and excitement in the media and Congress.  There is wringing of the hands, wailing and gnashing of teeth. The "Talking Heads" on the Networks all repeat the same mantra- "If Congress does not vote to increase the "Debt Ceiling" by midnight on <insert date here>, the world will end- and not just the normal "World Coming to an End-  We are talking about:
A disaster of biblical proportions.  Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff.  Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! (Yes, this quote is from Ghostbusters)
Finally, a calm Constitutional scholar points out, "Of course Congress will raise it, the 14th Amendment says they must."   Then in the very nick of time, Congress votes, Washington breathes a sigh of relief, the sun comes out, rainbows appear and all is well again- until the "Ceiling" is reached again, and the cycle starts over.

Why? Because Congress has spent all of OUR MONEY they are allowed to spend;  and Congress must grant themselves permission to keep spending more- of OUR MONEY.        

But is it REALLY A DEBT CEILING?  If it were a CEILING wouldn't Congress hit the limit and be required to stop?  CEILING after all means "Maximum Limit."  

In the case of Congress and spending Our Money there certainly does not seem to be a limit- in fact there is not even really a pause or hiatus- Congress just moves from one INTERVAL of INCREASING THE PEOPLE'S DEBT to another, with barely a hiccup. 

And when it is all over- actually when the next INTERVAL OF INCREASING THE PEOPLE'S DEBT begins- Washington will breathe a sigh of relief and "the People" will relax, because Congress passed a new Debt Ceiling.  

Throughout this crisis (of our own making), there are those that wonder, how do we prevent this vicious cycle from happening again?  Perhaps if we reduced spending? Heaven forbid!  Congress is addicted to bribing the people with their own money (spending).  And like a drug, the amount (of the bribe) must be increased in each interval.  To be fair, We The People, allow Congress to bribe us with our own money, and with each bribe we ask for more- hiding behind such "safe sounding" terms as "raising the Debt Ceiling" instead of acknowledging the truth- we allow another INTERVAL OF INCREASING THE PEOPLE'S DEBT and BRIBING THE PEOPLE WITH OUR OWN MONEY.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of ...Washington DC.

As the Federal Government shutdown at midnight, someone in the Administration decided to spend money to deploy barriers to close the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. However, a group of Veterans of World War II, stormed the barricades and showed the Park Police that they can still take and hold ground.

For those who have never been to the World War II Memorial, it is an open-air "plaza." There is no gate, no admission, no "entrance." There is no "cost to operate" the Memorial; no one stands guard or takes admission. The Memorial is open 24x7x365- or it had been until today - when the Administration decided to SPEND money to deploy Park Police and move in barricades to block sidewalks that lead into the plaza area .

The barricades were set up in advance of the pre-planned, scheduled and announced arrival of a group of World War II Veterans from Mississippi. While the Park Police were distracted by Rep. Steve King, the men and women of the Greatest Generation stormed the barricade; and with bagpipes playing these Veterans who once stormed Normandy and Iwo Jima, took the Memorial and stood their ground as they once did in the forests of the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge...

I would be willing to bet that when the Park Police told them to stand down, at least one of them replied, "NUTS!"

North Africa, Italy, Normandy, Guam, Iwo Jima... Did anyone ever think we would one day add to the list Washington, DC?

Everyone of us should thank the Almighty for these Veterans- these Heroes- but in addition, we all should work and pray, that this Country and  this Government that this Greatest of Generations fought and died to protect and defend is NEVER able to try to shut these HEROES out again!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Believing Massa about Rahm Emanuel

UPDATE- after watching Glenn Beck's interview- and Beck was correct, it was a waste of time- I will say that there seems a lot more to this story that will come out soon.  I am NOT saying I totally believe former Rep. Eric Massa.   However, I will also state the shower scene that was described, still comes across like it was real.

The shower scene, as told by Rep Eric Massa, definitely sounds like something out of a movie- or a certain White House Based Television Series. Maybe that is because a character in a White House Based Television Series was based on Rahm Emanuel. Perhaps the pure chutzpah of Emanuel confronting Massa naked in the shower is what leads me to believe that Massa may very well be telling the truth.

Let's take a look at Rahm Emanuel- aka Rahmbo (which Josh Lyman was called also- after telling a Senator he could shove his "legislative agenda up his ass")

He is a trained ballet dancer (by the way, West Wing fans will remember Josh Lyman also saying when he was four he wanted to be a ballet dancer).

He is short- somewhere between 5'5" and 5'7" and in my personal opinion probably suffers from Short Man Syndrome or Napoleon Complex.

He is a devoted Jew and served as a civilian volunteer the Israeli Defense Forces during the first- half of the Gulf War (i.e. 1991- there was NO Second Gulf War- the "First" War ended in cease fire that was violated by Iraq- therefore, the "second" war was just the war restarting). This is one thing I actually respect about Emanuel.

Rahm Emanuel's father Benjamin was a member of the Irgun. The fact that his father was a member of Irgun -and not the Haganah- I believe to be significant. The Irgun was a militant break-off of the Haganah, and is known for the bombing of the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946. Rahm was raised by an active militant- that some called terrorist.

Emanuel has a foul mouth- YouTube has a compilation of his use of the "F" word on various TV shows.

He has been reported to have a Bugsy Siegel style when it comes to fund raising- insulting and embarrassing contributors and hanging up on them. The contributors call back and donate more.

He "cautioned" (one report says "threatened") PM Tony Blair at one point, telling him not to "f--- it up" as Blair was walking out to make a statement with Clinton.

After the 1992 Clinton Election, Emanuel was witnessed sitting at a dinner table with George Stephanopoulos and others, screaming a list of Clinton enemies names and stabbing a steak knife into the table and saying "Dead! Dead! Dead!"

He sent a wrapped dead, rotting fish to a pollster who irritated him.  (This also was part of a West Wing Episode with Josh Lyman sending the dead fish).

So, with this kind of history- and I am only scratching the surface here- I would tend to believe the story Massa tells- at least about Emanuel.

This is who we have running the operations of the White House- a guy who probably would have done well in the Chicago Mafia and who has no problem forcing his will on whoever and however he wants.

(I know, based site reports, that I have readers both in Congress and the White House- or at least readers on those networks- I look forward to any obscene call I may personally get from Mr. Emanuel. I will report it to you all if I do.)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

BREAKING: Biden's Motorcade Involved in Vancouver Accident

Peggy Fleming and Vonetta Flowers were injured... the VP is fine and was not involved personally--

Now-- I am sure at some point, the following will be blamed--

1- Global Warming-- That is why the roads were (fill in the blank-- wet, dry, what ever)
2- GW Bush-- Somehow this will be his fault
3- Cheney-- See item 2
4- Republicans- Again- somehow - Biden's Motorcade Involved in Vancouver Accident Injuring Two: "A van in Vice President Joe Biden's motorcade carry members of the official U.S. Olympic Games Delegation was involved in a minor accident while traveling to an event in Vancouver.
Two members of the delegation, Peggy Fleming and Vonetta Flowers, received minor injuries and were taken to a local hospital as a precaution, Jay Carney, communications director for the vice president said in a statement.
They were both evaluated and have since been released.
Neither the vice president nor anyone else in his party was involved in the incident."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama Planning to Use Executive Orders- to bypass Congress?

From the "With much of his legislative agenda stalled in Congress, President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities."

Yes, the Constitution does give the President the power of the Executive Order. Further the Constitution does allow for recess appointments. However...

The purpose of the Executive Order was partly to allow the President to take action in an era when the carriage ride to Washington may take weeks and mail was carried by horse. During that era, without the ability of the President to make recess appointments, and Executive Orders, the Government would not function (there is something to be said for the Government being unable to do anything--like raise taxes-- but I digress).

However, Obama has already expressed that he will use Executive Order power to DEFY CONGRESS and to DEFY the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. I site as example, when, during the State of the Union, Obama stated he would sign an Executive Order to override a vote of the Senate.

Executive Order is NOT intended for the President to make law what has been voted down by the Congress. The CONGRESS is empowered to make laws- NOT THE PRESIDENT. His use of the Executive Order, depending on what those orders are, could be called dictatorial.

Obama's State of the Union showed him as a potential dictator. "[T]he Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I'll issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward." Although he may think he is the ultimate power in this country, he is not.

His argument of "obstruction" by Republicans is also a load of crap- He had a super majority until last month and even now he has every vote he needs to pass anything he wants (with the exception of those few issues that require 2/3's majority) within his own party.

Obama had best be careful in how he uses the Executive Order--

"[G]overnments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it," -The Declaration of Independence

William at The Pirates Cove and Stop the ACLU is also discussing this issue. His article is a good read.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Biden Taking Credit for Success in Iraq - Republicans Object to Biden Taking Credit for Success in Iraq: "I am very optimistic about Iraq,' he [Biden] said. 'I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration.'"


HOW DARE HE!!!!! The [redacted] voted AGAINST the Surge-- AS DID BARRY HUSSIEN OBAMA!!!!

For those two [redacted] to state that this could be an achievement of this administration is be biggest [redacted] lie I have heard in I don't know how long!

What next???? D-Day was really OBAMA's Plan??? Praise God OBAMA and BIDEN won the Revolutionary War!!!

Of course I have no idea why I am so outraged-- this is just lying, stealing, Chicago Politics, democrat, crap that they have been spewing since before they took the White House.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

WH Spokesman Discusses KSM Execution Before Trial Location Decided

Robert Gibbs decided to discuss executing KSM, before even the venue of the trial has been finally decided.

I agree that KSM should be executed. However, my opinion is that this should have been handled by the military and the military tribunal process.

Unfortunately, some hot shot defense attorney is going to get up on appeal and point to Gibbs' statement and say that the trial was not fair-- the outcome was pre-determined.

Of course, the defense attorney is also going to scream that the trial was unfair because of "pre-trial publicity."

All in all, I really wonder if a conviction will stand. There are too many loopholes (as there should be) in civilian law. Civilian law should never apply to any enemy combatant.

I am so glad we have a Constitutional Lawyer in the Whitehouse to make sure that terrorists' "rights" are being preserved.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Most Voters Do Not Believe Obama on State of the Union

We have heard the GOP response to the State of the Union, and we have heard the pundits response to the State of the Union, but now it is time to hear the Voters response to the State of the Union.

Barry Obama was right about one thing in the State of the Union. "We face a deficit of trust -- deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years." The problem for Obama is that He is the one that voters do not trust.

According to Rassmussen there are a large percentage of voters who do not trust or believe what Obama said in the State of the Union. I guess there really is reason for hope!

When the President stated that taxes have been cut for 95% of Americans, he told the GOP side of the isle "I thought I'd get some applause on that one." There was laughter at the comment, but not just from inside the House chamber, there was laughter in American homes. Only 21% of voters believe Obama's statement. 53% say it is definitely not true and the rest are not sure.

When Obama said the economy is growing again, 50% said, no, it is not. (35% say it is true)

Then the President said his administration had put 2 million people to work through the Recovery Act, who would otherwise not be working. Unfortunately for the President, more Americans can perform simple math that what he counted on, because 51% said that statement was false. (27% say it is true)

Only 35% of voters believe that the stimulus package has helped the economy. A vast majority (59%) of voters also think that the best way to create jobs is to CUT taxes-- but only 14% think that Congress will actually listen-- go figure.

Although Obama said his health care plan will lower the deficit, 68% of voters think it will raise the deficit and 81% believe that it will raise "middle class" taxes. Most voters also say that the health care plan before Congress should be dropped.

But Obama doesn't get it... maybe that is why 61% of voters think it is at least "somewhat likely" that the GOP will take back the House this November.

Perhaps Barry Obama just needs to be "explaining it more clearly"... After all, we are just the stupid voters who are only concerned about "what's in it for me." Or at least that is what our President thinks.

Obviously, Obama is a bit out of touch with what the American Voters think.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama "Slaps" Supreme Court re: Citizens United- Justice Alito Shakes His Head No

I have never heard or seen anything like this before.

During his State of the Union, Obama rebuked the Supreme Court over Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission stating:
"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests - including foreign companies - to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong."

The amazing thing was actually seeing Justice Alito shake his head and mouth "not true" as the President was speaking. The Chief Justice appears to be shaking his head as well.

Juan Williams on Fox News: "I am not sure it is appropriate for the President to scold the Supreme worries me in terms of intimidating a branch of government."

Now, I personally am not sure that the "Supremes" were intimidated-- but Justice Alito certainly looked angry.

I have been looking and I cannot find another instance where a President has publicly rebuked the Supreme Court to their "faces."   I believe the President failed to remember that the Supreme Court is an Equal Branch of office.  They hold office for life, and they do not report to the Executive Branch.

He Shall from Time to Time- My Preview of the State of the Union

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union...

A Preview of the State of the Union -
Tonight, the President fulfills one of his Constitutionally required duties that were set forth by the Founding Fathers, although I doubt the Founding Fathers ever envisioned the show we will see tonight.

I began to think about why the Founding Fathers thought that this task was so important that it be spelled out. Looking back, to the days without instant global communication, when news travelled slowly if at all, individual Congressmen may not know what was happening outside their state or District. The Office of the President however, would be perceived to be one that would be a clearinghouse of information and that He would know the actual "state" of the Union.

Now I am not so naive as to think that politics did not enter into the thoughts of the Founding Fathers, but I would like to think, that perhaps in an era without "instant dial" focus groups, live television, the internet and dare I say "bloggers," perhaps the State of the Union was a bit more of a factual event and less of a show.

So in the spirit of providing a "factual" State of the Union, I thought I would provide a preview of the State of the Union-- of what really SHOULD be said tonight...

"My fellow Americans--

It has been a year since the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party took a 'super-majority' control of the Congress and the White House. Liberals have had control of the agenda, from what laws and budget are proposed to the sixty votes in the Senate that can break any filibuster to the signature of the President. Liberals have had the power to provide 'change' and Fiscal policy has been under control of the Democrats . Yet things are worse now then they were last year and tonight, in this State of the Union, the Republicans and Bush will be blamed.

Over the last year, the Democrats in Congress and the Office of the President have sought to stimulate the economy. As such, your Government is spending $862 billion of the peoples money and watching unemployment increase to 10%.

This recession began in January of 2007 under a REPUBLICAN and during the TWO YEARS between January 2007 and January 2009, Unemployment increased from 5.0% to 7.6%. This is a 2.6% increase in unemployment over TWO YEARS of Republicans. However, under Democratic control, from January 2009 until December 2009 unemployment has increased to 10%. This shows an unemployment increase of 2.4% in only 11 months! But for this, the Republicans must be blamed.

The Administration must squash business with Cap and Trade. This, despite increasing evidence that ManBearPig the theory of Man Made Global Warming is a fraud.

And in the business surrounding science, this administration, should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out of destroying as many current science and technology jobs as possible and kill America's drive for the stars, its history of discovery and the countless jobs, products, and inventions that our exploration of space as brought us.

During this last year, this administration has embarrassed this country in foreign relations. In giving the Prime Minister of Great Britain a set of DVD's and the Queen an iPod containing "the best of Obama" to isolating Israel, the Administration has snubbed our greatest allies. Advisors, such as Brezinski have suggested military attacks on those we call friends. Yet through this, this Administration has sought to provide the rights of American Citizens to those that seek to kill us, and this Administration will make sure that the terrorists of Al Qaeda receive a Civilian trial instead of the War Crimes trial they deserve. However- it was Bush who lied and started all of this and this is all the Republicans fault.

Let it not be said that this administration has not tried to spread socialism. But for this Conservative from Massachusetts, socialized medicine would be a done deal. Again, this is the fault of a Republican who dared to say he would oppose the Health Care bill as it is now and duped the people into believing him.

The American people need change, just not the change they say the want. How can 48% want a new President, while only 43% say they would re-elect the Messiah?

Rush Limbaugh, George Bush, Hannity, Beck, Scott Brown and the Republicans are REALLY the ones to blame as are the American people. This administration only wishes to force on its citizens what liberals know to be best, despite what the people want or what is stated in the Constitution.

In this next year, although this Administration will say IT will change, rest assurred, it is only to get re-elected. This administration shall stay dedicated to its knowledge that IT knows better than the American people and that this Administration shall decide what is best for you and more importantly what is best for us to maintain control.

Thank you,

And may God Bless America

(Don't worry, if this administration manages to get re-elected "God" will be on the "hit-list" next-- after all, what is the name of God doing in a "state" speech anyway?)


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The White House Gun-Ban Agenda

The White House website has posted the President's agenda-- including his intent to ban ownership of certain firearms by law-abiding citizens.

This is planned, despite a reported drop in violent crime by 23% between 1990 and 2008.

Bottom line, stock up on firearms now, before the current administration decides that law-abiding citizens, who have passed criminal background checks, cannot be trusted with gun's that shoot a single shot when you pull the trigger.

Stock up now, before the administration decides how many rounds of ammunition law-abiding, background cleared, fingerprinted, citizens are allowed to carry in a concealed carry weapon- or ANY weapon for that matter.

The Second Amendment says, "...the right of the people…shall not be infringed." What part of SHALL NOT be infringed does the administration not understand?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Other Change of Command on Inauguration Day

One other change of command that took place with the inauguration should be noted. Col. Mark Tillman, USAF, flew his last mission of the VC-25 known as Air Force One. His last mission, from Andrews Air Force Base to Midland, Texas and back was not flown with the callsign Air Force One, however. This flight was known as Special Air Mission 28000 (SAM28000).

Col. Tillman, a veteran of 30 years is retiring from the Air Force and passed his command to Col. Scott Turner.

Col. Tillman was in command of Air Force One on 9/11 and also flew President Bush to Iraq on Thanksgiving 2003. The Thanksgiving mission was so secret, according to Col. Tillman, that the crew was not told until just prior to take-off and the crews in Baghdad did not know the President was arriving until he landed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts on the Inauguration

At noon Eastern, a new age began in this country. I am not speaking of the "first's" that occurred today, although I will agree that it is remarkable and wonderful, that just over 45 years since Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech, an African-American family is the First Family. We should not forget, that President Obama is not the first African-American to hold high government office. The first African-American Secretary of State was appointed by President George W. Bush, and the first African-American Woman appointed Secretary of State, was also appointed by President George W. Bush.

The new age that I speak of is an age of liberalism with little to no method to object. President Obama is a liberal. The liberals control the House by a large majority. The liberals control the Senate by almost a veto and filibuster proof majority. The Cabinet, with the exception of Defense Secretary Gates, are all liberal ideologues.

I am NOT looking forward to this new age.

The President was correct in his speech, when he stated that we faced challenges ahead.

We face an economy with serious issues. Unfortunately, the "Market" reacted to the inauguration today with a drop of 332 points. The "Market " dropped 50 of those points during the President's speech. Does that tell us what "the Street" really thinks of the new President?

We continue to face a war on terror. It is ridiculous to think we should treat terrorist we capture as criminals. They are enemy combatants, captured in a combat zone, out of uniform. They should be treated as such, and not treated as an American citizen subject to all the rights and privileges' of our court system. They should be treated as what they are, and I do NOT believe this contradicts any of the ideals our country was founded on.

We face a possible climate shift. I am NOT speaking of global warming. On the contrary, I am speaking of global cooling. What we need for this is SCIENCE. REAL SCIENCE- not the voodoo and false science of Global Warming. We need real scientists doing real research so we can prepare for what is to come. I do not say or believe that we need scientist to tell us how to radically change the climate, for I do not believe that man has very much influence on planetary climate change. We are in a period of sunspot lapse that exceeds 95% of normal, and only during the Dalton Minimum has a lapse time been longer. Fortunately real science is finally starting to "leak out." Now even the liberal CNN is starting to see that, just maybe, cooling is happening and "Global Warming" may be a myth.

We face a time when the rights of the individual are constantly eroded. We live in a time when, although the Court has ruled in Heller that the Second Amendment applies to the individual, the new President has appointed an Attorney General who has, throughout his career, worked to weaken the Second Amendment.

Yes, I agree with our new President, we face many challenges. What those challenges are, and how we should address them are where the President and I disagree.

Although I wish the President and his family good health and safety, and I want to see a safe, secure, peace in the Middle-East, especially for Israel, I do not wish the President success. I do not want him to succeed. The success of this President and Congress will be disaster for this country.

As such I will write. I will write my Congressman. I will write here. I will make calls. I will donate to organizations such as the NRA who are there to ensure that Freedom is protected. I encourage all my readers to do the same.

It is 650 days until mid-term elections. 650 days until we can change the polarity of the Congress. We have 650 days of hard work ahead of us.

I encourage all my readers to join me, working over the next 650 days, so that we can bring about REAL change.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Own A Gun? Don't Apply to Work for Obama

The President-Elect and the Former Clintonista's and Kool-Aid Drinkers who are in his transition team, are making it clear that restricting gun ownership will be a big part of the agenda.

The new administration's "vetting" questionnaire, asks about gun ownership. Question 59- "Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage."

Either the President-Elect does not want gun-owners in his administration, or more likely, he wants to make sure there are as few as possible, and that none have ever been involved in a self-defense situation that those of us on the "evil right" could point to.

He does not ask about violation of firearms laws. He asks about ownership. He asks about registration (which is only required in five states). He asks about registration lapsing (you only have to renew a registration in New York and a couple of it's surrounding counties).

He also asks how, and by whom it is used. Why would this matter? Is this so that he can say, "No one in my administration has a concealed carry permit" when he and his liberal Congress attempt to pass a federal ban on Concealed Carry, or pass a federal ban on "shall issue" laws.

His website (this link is provided as proof of source material only. I personally discourage people from reading lies and unconstitutional promises) makes it clear that he wants to create a "permanent" "assault weapon's ban" -- in other words, a permanent ban on all firearms that are not single shot.

His website states he wishes to make sure all gun's are child-proof-- In other words, he wants to create legislation so restrictive as to eliminate all guns currently owned by law-abiding citizens in the United States.

The President-Elect LIED out-right on his website, by saying the Tiahart amendment keeps law-enforcement from accessing gun-trace information. The Tiahart amendment actually RESTRICTS trace information to ONLY law-enforcement for bona-fide investigations, rather than allowing anyone and everyone from accessing the database. The President-Elect states he will repeal the Tiahart amendment.

Bottom-line- this President-Elect is the most Anti-Gun liberal we have ever elected. With the liberal majority in the House and a possible super-majority in the Senate, soon there may be nothing to stop him.

Our only hope, is to Save Saxby Chamblis and prevent the liberal super-majority in the Senate.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

South Park and My First Good Laugh Post Election

Wednesday, November 5, Comedy Central aired the South Park episode, "About Last Night..." It is probably the best South Park of this season. It was hilarious, and gave me my first laugh since election night. It was definately topical, and definately timely.
I especially enjoyed the Obama supports getting carried away. Keep in mind that the creators of South Park are equal opportunity offenders. However, the show definately has a right-wing slant.
This episode is a must see. Below is a short clip from the show. The full episode can be watched here
Warning: Some Language May be Offensive


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bush economic adviser Hubbard resigns

This story is just breaking. Apparently he wants to spend more time with his children.
Bush economic adviser Hubbard resigns | Reuters: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top White House economic adviser Allan Hubbard resigned on Wednesday and will be replaced by his deputy, Keith Hennessey, the latest in a string of departures as President George W. Bush's term winds down."


Monday, November 26, 2007

VP Cheney Found to Have A-Fib

From FoxNews.Com-
WASHINGTON — Vice President Dick Cheney will undergo further evaluation Monday of an irregular heartbeat, found Monday morning during a checkup for lingering cold symptoms, Cheney's office said

Doctors found atrial fibrillation, an abnormal rhythm involving the upper chambers of the heart.

Cheney is expected to go to George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C., for further evaluation and, if needed, will undergo cardioversion — delivery of an electric impulse to the heart, which is a standard treatment for atrial fibrillation.

Update from Reuters:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, who has a history of heart problems, was treated with an electric shock for an irregular heartbeat discovered during a doctor's visit on Monday, his office said.

Cheney, 66, one of President George W. Bush's closest advisers, returned home from the hospital after the procedure, which required sedation, and will resume his normal schedule at the White House on Tuesday, his office said.

VP Cheney needed to be cardioverted for his a-fib. However, he already has an internal pacer and defibrilator. I am wondering why this didn't stop the a-fib and if we will hear soon that the Vice President will need to have another heart proceedure.